Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Wonderland

I have had three snow days in the past week or so. We've enjoyed our time around the house and have taken the boys sledding at my grandmother's house right up the road from us. Today Logan and I went out during Mason's nap and made a snowman or "snowboy" as Logan called him :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Holiday Cheer

Christmas and New Year's was a blur, as always. We had a wonderful time celebrating with family and have enjoyed a relaxing break from work. Here are a few pics from the holidays.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Our family received an extra special Christmas gift this year. Adam and Kristi's little guy, Aiden, arrived on December 24. He is precious and everyone is doing well. We are so thrilled to have another nephew to love.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Countdown to Christmas

I am really longing to be home with the boys and Mark for Christmas. Mark and I are both off for a couple weeks and are looking forward to Christmas in our new home, visiting with family and friends, spending time with Logan and Mason, and finally getting a chance to breathe! It feels as though we've been in the middle of a rat race for the past month and a half! We have been busy with Christmas-y things, too. This morning in church our choir performed a cantata and it was wonderful. I LOVE Christmas music and there is just something about being in the church I grew up in at Christmas time. The Christmas Eve service is one of the highlights of the holiday season for me. Around the house, we've been making cookies, wrapping gifts, chasing the cat out of the tree....... My grandmother is heading to Georgia for Christmas this year to visit her husband's kids, so we celebrated Christmas early with her last night. Mason got to open his first Christmas gift and he was much more interested in the paper than anything else!
One and a half days of school this week and then the real fun begins. I can't wait :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Spirit

We are in Christmas mode around here. The tree is up, our home is decorated, all that is left to do is wrap the gifts. We are so happy about spending Christmas in our new home. The boys LOVE seeing Christmas lights around the neighborhood and we took them down to Herr's Foods last night to see the display. Logan is totally into the "Santa" thing this year and informed me the other day that Christmas is, in fact, "Baby Jesus' birthday." Ah....that does a mom's heart good :) Logan's preschool Christmas program at preschool is on Friday, so we're so excited to see what the Winkie Bear class has in store for us!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We're In!

We moved into our new home on November 7 and are settled in. The boys have had no trouble adjusting, and we love the open space and quietness. It is good to be back in Cochranville!
Here is a pic of the exterior of our house. Visit our Prokay House Under Construction blog for more photos.

Here is Logan and our nephew, Shane, laughing it up. Our new neighbors are my brother, Eric, his wife, Christie, and their two children, Sidnie and Shane. We are LOVING that!
Mason continues to grow inches by the day, it seems. He is SUCH a joy. He loves to smile and is constantly entertained by his brother :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fall Fun

Last night we took Logan to Solanco's Halloween Hallways to trick-or-treat. We met Mark's brother, Rob, there with our nephew Cole. Eric and Christie also brought Sidnie and Shane. They had a blast! Tonight we took the boys trick-or-treating in Rob and Jen's development.....maybe an annual tradition?! It seemed fitting that Logan and Mason were Batman and Robin :)

Busy week ahead --- MOVING!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! We are sooooo excited, but also a little anxious as our current house has not sold yet. Please keep us in your prayers as we start this rather thrilling yet "uncertain" adventure.